6B06302 Hardware means of data protection
Description of the educational program

The educational program "Hardware means of data protection" is designed to provide practice-oriented training of graduates in the field of protection of critical information circulating in information systems from unauthorized access, including the use of methods and means of cryptographic data protection intended for work in various industries and businesses.

A specialist in the field of hardware means of data protection is an employee engaged in the development, implementation and maintenance of the technical section of the information security system at the enterprise. The main activity of the specialist in the field of hardware means of data protection is related to securing computing systems and technical means of processing, storing and transmitting information; delivery of information security services; creation of mathematical models of processes involved in the protection of information.

Aim and objectives of the educational program

The aim of the EP - to train highly qualified staff for innovative and knowledge-intensive industries in the field of information security, who have theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for their implementation in professional activities, that meet the needs of the domestic and world intellectual labor markets, and who are ready to make a qualitative breakthrough in information security.

The objectives of the EP:

  1. To provide practice-oriented training of graduates in the field of creating, implementing and maintaining the technical part of the information security system designed to work in various industries and businesses.
  2. To prepare graduates for professional activities in the field of information security using technical means;
  3. To meet the market demand for specialists in hardware means of data protection;
  4. To create conditions for ongoing professional self-improvement, development of the graduates’ social and personal qualities (ambition, self-discipline, hard work, communication skills, ability to work in a team, responsibility for the final result of professional activities, civic responsibility, tolerance), social mobility and competitiveness in the labor market.
Requirements for the learning outcomes of the educational program

The following forms of exams are used in assessment of learning outcomes: computer test, written exam (paper-and-pen), oral exam, project (implementing and presenting a course project), practical (open questions on a computer, solving tasks on a computer, including in ACM format), comprehensive (test/written/oral+others). According to Table 1 the following ratio of exam forms is recommended for the disciplines ending in the state exam: "Computer information security technologies", "Internet of things security", "Digital devices and microprocessors", "Biometric access control systems":

Exam form

Recommended percentage, %


Computer test

















The final attestation completes with the defense of the diploma project.

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