6В01501 Computer science and organization of digitalization of education
Description of the educational program

The educational program 6В01501 - “Computer science and the organization of the digitalization of education” is implemented in accordance with the requirements of state standards and regulatory documents in the field of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the course of the formation of the educational program, the faculty and the department use science based approaches to planning, methodological support, and technologies of study. This contributes to maintaining the continuity of the state standards, Educational program, working curriculum and teaching and methodological complexes educational-methodical complex of disciplines. The academic integrity of normative and educational documents resulting from this ensures effective management of the educational program implementation mechanism.

Guided by the requirements of the standard plan, by the content of the catalog of elective courses and the academic calendar, students determine an individual trajectory for each academic year. The logic of making an individual plan determines the choice of elective courses, teachers, scientific supervisor, topics of course works and diploma papers. Advisers provide methodological assistance to students in the formation of an individual trajectory. The trajectory of preparation of bachelors is based on the vertical principle of continuity of disciplines, the curriculum of educational trajectories is built taking into account the distribution into semesters; division into compulsory and elective components; general education, basic, majors.

The curriculum pays adequate attention and time to the professional component, natural sciences and mathematics, as well as the disciplines of the humanitarian and socio-economic block.

In order to fully familiarize themselves with the competencies obtained when choosing a particular educational program, advisers conduct presentations, consultations, meetings with students in the scientific and educational laboratories of the University. Responsibility for the work of the adviser service lies with the head of the Registration Office and the heads of departments.

One of the fundamental educational documents is a working curriculum, which is formed on the basis of individual students' plans and regulates the development of the educational program. Based on the principles of permanence, continuity and adaptability, the working curriculum contains a list of disciplines, the number of credits, duration of semesters, types of classes and forms of control. The study of any discipline, regardless of its academic status, ends with an exam (term paper (project)) and the award of credits, the minimum amount of which for the entire training period is 240 ECTS credits. Of these, 66 credits are allotted to the disciplines of the humanitarian and socio-economic bloc, and 25 credits to the natural sciences and mathematics.

The working curriculum consists of such units as “Natural Sciences and Mathematics”, “Special and General Professional Disciplines”, which includes Engineering Disciplines and Engineering Design, and “Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Sciences”.

The purpose and objectives of the educational program

The aim of the educational program is to train demanding, competitive and highly qualified teachers who are fluent in English, modern teaching methods, ICT technologies that are able to assess and analyze the current state of the industry, with all kinds of competencies for the labor market in education.

Objectives of the EP

Providing conditions for mastering a competent and developed speech, knowledge of native and foreign languages, knowledge in the field of communication technology, communication strategies, skills of constructive dialogue, communication in a multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-faith society.

Acquiring of basic knowledge in fundamental mathematical, natural-scientific and technical disciplines, contributing to the formation of a highly educated personality with a broad outlook and a culture of thinking, to be able to determine and understand the role of mathematics and computer science in the world, to express well-founded mathematical judgments, to use mathematics and computer science for needs, inherent in a creative, interested and thinking citizen; understand the role of information processes in society, technical capabilities and prospects of the use of information technology in various fields of human activity.

The ability to apply information and communication technologies (ICT) in professional activities, to own the Web, network and multimedia technologies for planning and organizing project activities for future computer science teachers, for organizing online forums and seminars, and a virtual learning environment; to use ICTs, interactive whiteboards and multimedia projectors for technical support of active types of training; to have skills in processing information of various types, including: receiving, retrieving and systematizing digital, textual, graphic and visual, hypermedia information and databases; to apply multimedia resources and media; to own methods of searching for information on the Internet and databases: find, select and process data from digital and Internet sources; the ability to use models and perform modeling of objects, to own methods for creating multimedia presentations; to own programming skills using modern tools, the development of algorithmic and operational thinking, logical, intellectual and creative abilities of students by means of information and communication technologies.

Use of a system of subject, psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge, skills and abilities to apply theoretical knowledge in professional activities, taking into account specific socio-pedagogical conditions, possessing the methods of organizing innovative activities while teaching a computer science, knowledge of the theory of pedagogical integration, pedagogical innovation, pedagogical technologies, the ability to integrate knowledge from various subject areas in solving pedagogical problems; knowledge of the methods of planning and conducting criteria-based assessment at computer science lessons; skills in planning lessons within the framework of inclusive education; providing students with basic knowledge and skills to work with modern information and communication technologies for their effective use in the context of updated educational content, implementing trilingual education, which involves teaching not only three languages, but also organizing extracurricular activities of students in three languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian and English), the ability to organize pedagogical cooperation (teacher-student, teacher-teacher, teacher-parent), including consolidation of theoretical knowledge during the period of educational and pedagogical practices in the context of specialized training.

Understanding of ​​ethical, spiritual and cultural values, the basic laws and forms of regulation of social behavior, sociological approaches to the individual, to know the traditions and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan, to know the trends in the development of society, to be able to adequately navigate in various social situations, think creatively, be tolerant of traditions, culture of other nationalities living in the country, have an active life position.

Possession of the basics of economic knowledge, be competent and have an idea in the field of economics.

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