6B06105 Information systems
Description of the educational program

Educational program 5В070300 - Information systems, is aimed at training specialists of the highest qualification level without a category, specialists of the highest qualification level of the second category, specialists of the highest qualification level of the first category. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to fulfill a number of tasks, including the targeted formation of the groups of students, specialized theoretical and practical training of students in the learning process focused on the current requirements of the employer.

A bachelor's graduate in the specialty “5B070300-Information Systems” is awarded an academic bachelor's degree in engineering and technology.

Information systems - a field of science and technology, which includes a set of means, methods and techniques of human activity aimed at creating and using systems for collecting, presenting, storing, transmitting and processing information.

The basic educational program for the preparation of a bachelor in the direction “5B070300-Information Systems” is developed on the basis of actual state educational standard and includes a working curriculum, educational programs, training programs, and production practices.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership that develop, implement and operate information systems in various fields of human activity.

The purpose and objectives of the educational program

The aim of the undergraduate educational program in the field of IS is the quality training of specialists in the field of information systems, including software, hardware, information, legal and management support for the development and maintenance of information systems.

The objectives of the IS educational program are to develop among students:

  • the ability to analyze socially significant problems and processes, to use in practice the methods of humanitarian, environmental, social and economic, legal sciences in various types of professional and social activities.
  • ability to freely use Russian, Kazakh and foreign languages ​​as a means of business communication.
  • the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills with the help of information technology and put them into practice, to use these skills in new areas of knowledge that are not directly related to the field of activity as well.
  • the ability to professional use of a modern equipment, devices, network components, computer systems.
  • the ability to use methods of physical education and health promotion, to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activities.
  • the ability to provide a mathematical justification for the statement of the problem, use mathematical modeling to describe the components of information systems, conduct mathematical analysis; use software to develop information systems.
  • the ability to develop technical specifications for the development of an information system, determine the quality criteria of an information system: formulate technical, software and information requirements; to model the functional, informational, software and technical support of the information system based on standard packages of computer-aided design and research.
  • the ability to develop information and software information systems based on modern methods and development tools.
  • the ability to provide authorial support for the design, implementation and maintenance of information systems and technologies; organize the interaction of the developer and customer teams, the adoption of managerial decisions in the context of different opinions.
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